Monthly Archives: September 2016

Love indie comics (like ours)?  Gonna be in the Bethesda Maryland area this weekend?  Then you MUST attend SPX2016! ...
Now available in our webstore — TEE SHIRTS!  Nice and soft and sporting some eye-catching designs! Aside from the requisite logo shirt (with cool vintage retro weathering), we’ve also got a full collection of five different designs by Rob Cham...
Are you a reviewer, retail buyer, or librarian? Then you probably have a NetGalley account, and need to check out our listed titles available through their service for review right now! ...
Lots of great new stuff is available on Comixology and Kindle this week!  Check ’em out!...
In comic shops TODAY:  RE*PRO*DUCT by Austin Wilson, Logan Faerber, and David Hopkins!...