LRNZ is himself a fan of so many things that quite often he’ll make something astounding just out of personal passion for the subject matter. Today’s gallery focuses on just a few of these “tribute” pieces he has created for himself or for fellow fans over the years.

“I had the chance and immense honour to partecipate to the OTOMO TRIBUTE Exhibition in Angouleme, during the 43rd Bande Dessinee International Festival. An excellent exhibition catalogue has been made by Glénat, sporting a cover art illustration by Otomo sensei himself. As a huge extra to this beautiful experience: I had the chance to meet Otomo in person and It’s been probably one of the most intense moments of my whole life.”

Visit LRNZ.IT for more information on many of these works, including production sketches, commentary, and process videos of the works in progress!

LRNZ’s MONOLITH graphic novel
through March 5, 2021!

A feature-length psychological thriller written by Roberto Recchioni and Mauro Uzzeo and illustrated by LRNZ as a 180-page 9×12″ gallery quality hardcover!

The campaign also offers limited remaining copies of LRNZ’s GOLEM and his 200-page 9×12″ artbook VIEWPOINT! Join the campaign for FREE bonus items and stretch goals available only during this campaign! Don’t miss out!