DARBY POP PUBLISHING is bringing a whole bunch of their trademark popcorn and pulp to comic shops this fall! Check out what they’ve got popping!


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When well-meaning Jason discovers a disembodied finger that appears to “alive,” it quickly becomes the sole focus of his life. He names the digit “Wendy,” learns to communicate with it via “tap code,” and discovers that the one thing Wendy wants more than anything else is a living, breathing human body to attach to.  Just how far will Jason go to satisfy his ambulatory appendage?

Written by Garth Matthams, illustrated by Armin Ozdic.


WoDP 600

The fairer sex takes center stage in Darby Pop’s female-centric anthology of contest-winning stories and art!  The Women of Darby Pop is a specially-priced, double-sized floppy collecting short stories written and drawn by the winners of Darby Pop Publishing’s second “Breaking Into Comics” contest.  This unique anthology shines a spotlight on both major and minor female characters from nearly every book Darby Pop has published to date while simultaneously introducing readers to a wellspring of new talent.


BL-600Katya still has “tech titan” Ken Blanchard in her psychic grip — and appears to hold sway over Bruce, as well.  Did Nakamura make the Teen’s house disappear? Or was it a vengeful Shen?  And how is Joe supposed to keep his job when Asst. Manager Hackett is all-seeing and always annoying?

Written by Jeff Kline, illustrated by Brandon McKinney, with cover art by John Haun!

Be sure to ask your local comic shop to order your copy today!