Set in a surreal depiction of 12th Century Mongolia, this lyrical, almost operatic fantasy tells the story of a young boy gifted with mystical talents who some believe may be destined to unite the Mongol tribes as the Great Khan. Toeing the line between dreamlike fantasy and grounded historic drama, this cinematic tale is a feast for the eyes.
Launching on Tuesday, August 23rd at 10am CST
The 200-page hardcover will come in a premium gallery-sized 9×12″ edition with a reflective silver foil cover and our signature curved corners. Exclusive to this Kickstarter campaign will be access to a limited, campaign-exclusive “Journeyman” Edition bundle that includes a numbered bookplate, four linen cardstock art prints, a metal 2” Chingiss era replica coin, and a copy of the hardcover all contained in a printed 13×16” cotton drawstring satchel. This exclusive bundle will only be available through this campaign.