Posts tagged with: Sylvain Runberg

If you’ve picked up WARSHIP JOLLY ROGER, you know just how amazingly talented artist Miki Montllo is.  And now he has posted a video on his Facebook page showing a timelapse of his process painting the Kinokuniya-exclusive variant cover —...
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We’re so excited to continue our partnership with world-famous international book store chain Books Kinokuniya with the reveal of the exclusive Kinokuniya Variant Edition of Warship Jolly Roger!...
Check out the world premiere trailer for the upcoming sci-fi blockbuster graphic novel WARSHIP JOLLY ROGER, by Miki Montllo and Sylvain Runberg!...
The first chapter of the upcoming graphic novel WARSHIP JOLLY ROGER is now available to read through comiXology, enhanced to take advantage of their guided view presentation. Download this 33-page premiere today!...
Chicago, IL:  Just ahead their hometown convention C2E2, Magnetic Press announces four new graphic novels as part of their June through August 2016 summer publishing lineup: WARSHIP JOLLY ROGER by Sylvain Runberg & Miquel Montllo, LOVE: THE LION by Federico Bertolluci & Frédéric Brrémaud, HUGO BROYLER by Mike Kennedy & Francisco...