Posts tagged with: Global Comics

To celebrate today’s release of Golem, we’re thrilled to share a gigantic 24 page extended preview of the debut graphic novel written and illustrated by the absurdly talented LRNZ. Pick up a copy of Golem at your local retailer, or you can...
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This weekend is C2E2, Magnetic Press favorite hometown convention held every year in Chicago, IL. We will be there in full force, with TONS of special goodies! We’re easy to find at C2E2 — booth #537 is a straight shot...
Chicago, IL:  Just ahead their hometown convention C2E2, Magnetic Press announces four new graphic novels as part of their June through August 2016 summer publishing lineup: WARSHIP JOLLY ROGER by Sylvain Runberg & Miquel Montllo, LOVE: THE LION by Federico Bertolluci & Frédéric Brrémaud, HUGO BROYLER by Mike Kennedy & Francisco...
LOVE: THE TIGER, the first volume in Magnetic Press’ runaway hit LOVE series, has sold out and is being fast-tracked through a second-printing. Illustrated by Federico Bertolucci and written by Frédéric Brrémaud, Love: The Tiger is the first in the...
Joël Jurion is one of those guys who ‘have it.’ He draws toons JUST RIGHT, SO right actually that you can only envy his ease — he just captures the right essence. So it was only natural that Klaw would...