An adorable little girl and a mischievous fox. A lovable combination on their own, but mix in a fairy tale forest populated by babbling birds, a giant Tractor Man, and the beautiful embodiment of the Wind, and you’ve got a recipe for wonder that you aren’t soon to forget!

Author MERWAN and illustrator BERTRAND GATIGNOL bring you PISTOUVI, a heartwarming (and heartbreaking) story about growing up, coming in October!

A magnificent, lyrical fable about the transition from childhood to the world of adults.  Jeanne and Pistouvi learn more each day about identity and otherness, represented by a constant flock of babbling mockingbirds. Though at first they are inseparable, the two friends find their relationship fraying as Jeanne grows older, and little Pistouvi suffers from the pull of the birds. In this tale, evil is invisible but ever-present, and the passage into the world of adulthood is tinged with a hint of disillusionment…