BLACK BOX CHRONICLES – Launching 5/16/23!


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Discover the secrets of BLACK BOX CHRONICLES, an original science-fiction anthology of interconnected stories introducing a sweeping universe of speculative and fantastic sci-fi, beautifully rendered by award-winning artists from around the globe brought to you by Magnetic Press and production studio Horrible Future!


Centuries of exponentially advancing technological discoveries have ultimately ushered Mankind to the stars and beyond.

 Each new star, each new planet, each new lightyear traveled reveals wonders never imagined.
But for all the distances explored, there lies one unreachable domain, a mysterious destination we all go to eventually…


The mind-bending thrills begin this MAY on Kickstarter!

Gain premiere access to the first anthology of tales by some of the industry’s hottest creators, as well as campaign exclusives including premium hardcovers, limited-edition magnetic-latch slipcase sets with a 100+ page design book, and more! 

Featuring some of the best artists and illustrators in the industry,
including several
Eisner nominees and winners!

David Mack is the cover artist for Black Box Chronicles. A true visionary in the world of comic books, he is known for his dynamic approach to illustration, being nominated for an Emmy and multiple Eisner-Awards. Best known for his seminal work on Kabuki, which he both wrote and illustrated, Mack has also garnered critical acclaim for his work on Daredevil and Alias for Marvel Comics. 

Black Box Chronicles exclusive Kickstarter cover by David Mack

Prepare to be intrigued by the story of “The Scavenger: Part 1,” is illustrated by Zach Howard (WILD BLUE YONDER, HELLBOY) This opening invites you to enter the mesmerizing world of Black Box Chronicles, seen through the eyes of an enigmatic scrap trader. He roams the galaxy, gathering black boxes from crashed ships… with a mysterious reason to archive the stories within.

“The Scavenger: Part 2,” is brought to life by the brilliant illustrations of Mario Alberti (THE WALL.) The lone scrapper’s story continues through Alberti’s lens, as The Scavenger’s treasures and tools of the trade are put to use, with explosive results to reclaim what is rightfully his.

“Irreplaceable” and “Absence,” are co-written by Taki Soma, who’s talent in the world of fiction has been recognized with a Hugo-nomination. Taki has unquestionably captivated readers with her imaginative storytelling, with a unique ability to blend genres and explore thought-provoking concepts.

“SAVAGE” is drawn by Michael Avon Oeming, an immensely talented artist whose craft has garnered him the highest recognition in the comic book industry—an Eisner Award.  It’s a high-stakes encounter as a savage warrior boards a formidable corporate vessel.

“TO ERROR IS HUMAN” is drawn by Eryk Donovan. Donovan is a talented artist who’s best known for his work on Memetic and Quantum Teens Go!  A pilot gets his chance to be part of The Great Outward Expansion. But at what price? A look into the origins of the black box technology.

“SMALLER WORLD” is illustrated by Toru Terada, a Magnetic Press favorite! If you’ve seen his book, Small World, you’ll recognize the imagination on display here! A squad of mechs work with a scavenger to recover a black box on a stormy alien planet, where they learn… size does matter.

“RETRUN TO ASCENDER STATION” is illustrated by Giovanni Rigano (Artemis Fowl, Letters from Animals.) A young girl discovers a black box that “returns home” to her local spaceport. What she learns will change the universe forever.

“RePAIRED” is is drawn by Gavin Smith (Star-Trek: Mirrorverse, Ghost in the Shell.) A multi-generational ship dictates who is “paired” with who, to keep it’s population limited. A thousand year journey that won’t end well.

Stay Tuned! More artists will be spotlighted daily…

 “I’ve seen things. Terrible things, things I wish I could forget… but a black box never forgets.”

– The Scavenger

In the future, the universe is alive with human explorers. Space travel is no longer the domain of nations and corporations, but a path available to everyday people. Not all journeys end where they originally set forth, and many result in tragedy. Such is the way in the Epoch of Exploration…

Each starfaring spacecraft is equipped with a comprehensive data recorder: a Black Box that records every layer of collectible data within its fixed perimeter. Salvaging the remnants of a crashed spacecraft can be a highly lucrative business, and recovering the details behind a tragic disaster can reveal hidden truths and untold personal stories… as well as hints towards greater secrets…

The tales in BLACK BOX CHRONICLES have been preserved by The Scavenger, who has been collecting salvaged boxes for decades across the known galaxy. The stories in this anthology are from his prized collection, containing pieces of a puzzle he has yet to complete…

The Scavenger ads another black box to his collection. Art by Mario Alberti.